HyperSTAR 3.0

Server for uniVerse Fact Sheet

Provides Optimized Read/Write Access to Data Stored in uniVerse Databases.


The HyperSTAR Server for uniVerse provides optimized read/write access to data stored in uniVerse databases.

Companies can quickly and easily develop client/server applications using common desktop applications or development tools and uniVerse databases. The HyperSTAR Server for uniVerse provides robust functionality in accessing uniVerse data through optimized support for uniVerseÆs unique data model, including support for uniVerseÆs multivalued fields and variable length data types.

The HyperSTAR Servers for uniVerse work with the HyperSTAR client interfaces available in the Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh environments.


Takes maximum advantage of uniVerseÆs unique relational database model extensions, including read/write access to uniVerseÆs multivalued fields and alternatives for presenting multivalued fields on the client platform in "normalized" relational format or in the native uniVerse multivalued format.

Support for true variable length data fields allows HyperSTAR to provide the same powerful and flexible presentation alternatives that uniVerse provides.

Access to uniVerseÆs Basic language and stored subroutines provides added functionality to applications. Any RETRIEVE or SQL command, commands requiring user input, or record-oriented commands can all be called from within HyperSTAR.

Consistent enforcement of uniVerseÆs existing SQL security and data access measures, as well as support for further restriction to user privileges, file access or field access.

Support for high-performance multiple connections means that each HyperSTAR server can simultaneously handle access requests from many clients, regardless of their locations.

Easier implementation at a lower cost because HyperSTAR servers manage all interaction between the network communications software and the client and server applications, and because HyperSTAR servers eliminate the need for any additional database specific client/ server communication software.

Fast, easy setup without sacrificing DBMS functionality is possible because HyperSTAR servers incorporate tools for easy installation, configuration, and debugging. Also since HyperSTAR servers feature the same object messaging technology as clients, they automatically know how to talk to clients while at the same time still take full advantage of the capabilities of each associated database.